Personal Injury LawyerAlbuquerque and Santa Fe, NM
Personal Injury LawyerAlbuquerque and Santa Fe, NM

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Santa Fe Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

An attorney who can help you recover financial compensation

Motorcycles are popular in Santa Fe, and can be seen on the road throughout the year. A motorcycle accident can cause serious injuries, and recovering financial compensation can be complicated. That’s why you need an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to fight for you. The Szantho Law Firm can help.

Attorney Andras Szantho knows that to many motorists, motorcyclists are little more than a nuisance. They’ll try to drive around motorcycles and don’t think of them as motor vehicles. Sometimes, they don’t even notice motorcycles. Too often, the result is a serious crash that leaves a motorcyclist hurt.

Motorcyclists have little protection on the road, so during a crash they can be seriously hurt. Minor injuries can include cuts, bruises and road rash. More serious injuries include broken bones and injuries to the head, neck or back. Severe injuries include spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injury.

    Free Case Evaluation

    An attorney who takes on the insurance companies

    Being hurt in a motorcycle accident can change your life in an instant. You may need surgery, hospitalization, physical therapy and medication. You may not be able to return to work for some time. Recovery can take months or even longer. Some people never fully recover and are left with a permanent disability.

    You deserve compensation if you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle crash. Negligent drivers often deny responsibility and don’t admit to doing anything wrong, though. Insurance companies want to pay you as little as possible, so they may question how bad your injuries are. They may argue you don’t need certain treatment. They may even blame you for the accident.

    Insurance companies have lawyers who fight for their best interests. You need a lawyer who will fight for you. Attorney Szantho knows that insurance companies think of motorcyclists as irresponsible and reckless thrill-seekers. As far as they’re concerned, you must have been to blame somehow.

    We know better. We know from experience that most motorcyclists are safe and responsible on the road. So, attorney Szantho investigates your crash to get the facts. He reviews accident reports and medical records. He identifies and interviews witnesses to the crash. If needed, he consults accident reconstruction experts and other specialists.

    Fighting for your rights

    Our firm builds a strong case that proves negligence caused the accident that left you hurt. When insurance companies see that attorney Szantho is prepared and is ready to take them to court, they often agree to talk about settling your case. We aren’t interested in making a quick deal that helps them save money.

    Any resolution of your case has to be one that meets your needs. This includes compensation for all current and future medical expenses related to your injury. It includes compensation for lost wages if you were left unable to work. It may include compensation for other damages, such as pain and suffering.

    If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident in Santa Fe, it’s important to talk to an experienced attorney as soon as possible. By law, you have three years from the date of your accident to take legal action. Building cases takes time, thought, and it’s always better to investigate the crash before evidence is lost or destroyed and the memories of witnesses fade.

    Learn more about how motorcycle accident attorney Andras Szantho can help. Schedule a free case evaluation by calling (505) 395-7880 today. We can help you get justice.