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Common Causes of Lower Back Pain After a Car Accident

Albuquerque, NM car accident lawyer explains lower back pain symptoms

Lower back pain can turn your life upside down. Often, back pain is a result of car accidents, especially rear-end accidents and head-on collisions.

If you experience lower back pain after a car crash, it’s critical that you take it seriously right away. Many times, lower back pain can be a symptom of a serious or potentially life-threatening injury. Get medical attention so you can find out exactly what’s wrong and document your injuries to protect your right to compensation.

Underlying injuries that can cause lower back pain after a crash

  • Spinal fracture – Broken bone or crack in the vertebrae: the bones in the spinal column that protect the spinal cord.
  • Herniated disc – Sometimes referred to as a bulging disc or slipped disc, a herniated disc involves a tear in the soft tissue that serves as a cushion between vertebrae. Herniated disc injuries can be painful since they often put pressure on the nerves located in the lower back.
  • Strained back muscle – Lower back muscles often get pulled and strained during a car crash due to the force of being thrown around inside a vehicle, especially in rear-end collisions.
  • Lumbar injuries – The lumbar region is the lower back region, especially the five bones in the lower spinal column known as vertebrae L1 through L5. Lumbar injuries can range from muscle strains to lower vertebrae fractures, all of which can be very painful.
  • Sciatica – Some injuries, such as herniated discs, can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back to the legs. This can lead to a painful symptom called sciatica.
  • Spinal stenosis – This is a medical term for the narrowing of the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord. The sudden, powerful impact of a car accident can cause spinal stenosis.
  • Leg injuries – Sometimes, lower back pain occurs after a car accident due to an injury sustained in the leg, especially if there’s nerve damage in the thigh, knee or another part of the leg.
  • Organ damage – Many organs in the body are located near the lower part of the spine, including the kidneys and pancreas. Lower back pain can be associated with damage to these organs.
  • Internal bleeding – Depending on the location of the injury, low back pain can be a sign of an internal injury. Internal bleeding is a dangerous complication that requires immediate medical attention.

Lower back pain can result from all types of car accidents

Because car drivers and passengers are in a seated position during a crash, back injuries are common in all types of accidents. The seat presses against the lower back, potentially causing debilitating damage. Rear-end accidents, head-on collisions, T-bone crashes, and sideswipes can all cause lower back pain, even at low speeds. That’s why it’s so important to get medical attention after a crash, even if you feel fine.

How do doctors diagnose back injuries?

  • Imaging tests, including X-Rays, MRIs and CT-Scans.
  • Range of motion tests.
  • Physical examination of the lower back.
  • Diagnostic injection.

Common treatments for lower back pain

Depending on the nature and severity of the pain, treatments may include:

  • Rest, ice, compression and elevation of the injured area (RICE).
  • Physical therapy, especially for chronic back pain.
  • Epidural steroid injections.
  • Prescription pain medications.

In addition, treatment may be needed to repair the underlying injury, up to and including back surgery for fractures and internal injuries.

Who’s responsible for paying for my car accident back injury?

In New Mexico, it’s the at-fault party’s responsibility to pay for all accident-related expenses. New Mexico has what’s known as an at-fault or “tort” insurance system. So if you experience lower back pain or any other medical issues after a car accident, your accident expenses should be paid for by the at-fault driver’s insurance company in most cases.

But just because the other driver’s insurance company should pay for your accident does not automatically mean they will do so. Often, getting the money you rightfully deserve turns into a legal battle.

What funding options exist for my car accident?

After a car accident in New Mexico, you have several options available for getting the money you deserve to pay for your medical care and all your other accident-related expenses, including:

  • Accept a one-time settlement offer from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  • Negotiate a better settlement offer.
  • File a car accident lawsuit.

It’s not always clear what you should do in the wake of an accident, and especially if you’re in pain, you shouldn’t have to navigate the process on your own. That’s why it’s important to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer.

Why should I hire an Albuquerque car accident attorney?

If you suffer from lower back pain after a New Mexico car accident, the last thing you probably want to worry about is how to pay for your medical care and other accident-related expenses. All you probably want to do is take time to rest and recover and have your lower back injury diagnosed and treated.

Unfortunately, many insurance companies would rather fight your car accident injury claim and not pay you the money you deserve. When this happens, you need an aggressive legal team that can stand up for your rights. You need a dedicated New Mexico car accident lawyer from the Szantho Law Firm, P.C.

Attorney Andras Szantho has dedicated his legal career to demanding the financial compensation car accident injury victims deserve. As a result, he thoroughly understands how the legal system works in New Mexico and can get straight to work on your legal case.

Get a legal warrior who will fight for you. Contact our law firm and schedule a free case evaluation with an Albuquerque car accident attorney you can count on in a crisis. We work on a contingency fee basis. That means you only pay us if we obtain a financial settlement or verdict for you.

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